All New People

November 7 - 30, 2014. Directed by Jared Doren. Starring Carter Bratton, Leah Strasser, Nathan Neorr and Mindy Heithaus

Savage in Limbo

November 9-25, 2012. Directed by Kevin Crowley. Starring Leah Strasser, Glenn Schaich, Mindy Heithaus, Carter Bratton and Carol Brammer

Red Light Winter

January 17 - February 2, 2013. Directed by Paul Morris. Starring Mindy Heithaus, Jon Kovach and Carter Bratton

The House of yes

November 15 - December 7, 2013. Directed by Leah Strasser. Starring MaryKate Moran, Carter Bratton, Mindy Heithaus, Christine Dye and Joshua Steele

Apartment 3A

April 12-27, 2013. Directed by Leah Strasser. Starring MaryKate Moran, Michael Potter, Christopher Dooley and John Vanderplough


January 28 - February 8, 2014. Directed by Kevin Crowley. Starring Leah Strasser, Carol Brammer, Paul Morris and Ben Dudley

Love Song

January 13-22, 2012. Directed by Carter Bratton. Starring Glenn Schaich, Colette Thomas, Christopher Dooley and MaryKate Moran

Untethered Theater

Danny and the deep blue Sea

April 1-9, 2011. Directed by Don Volpenhien. Starring Carter Bratton and MaryKate Moran

Three Days of Rain

May 7 - 23, 2015. Directed by Leah Strasser. Starring Adam Jones, MaryKate Moran and Carter Bratton